4 Reasons to Choose Sapphire Buffalo Turf for Your Garden

When it comes to creating a new garden from a bare patch of earth, laying turf is one of the simplest and fastest ways to begin the transformation. The lawn is generally the largest area of a garden, so laying ready-grown turf will give you an attractive and functional outdoor space even without any other landscaping or planting taking place.

There is a large variety of different turf varieties available to choose from and for a novice, it may be hard deciding which one will be best for your garden. Each variety has its benefits and drawbacks, so choosing an all-rounder variety such as Sapphire Buffalo is a wise idea. Here are four reasons why Sapphire Buffalo turf may be the ideal choice for your new lawn.

1. It's highly resistant to weeds

Sapphire Buffalo has a tight weave which effectively blocks out the light that weeds need to germinate and grow. It's also a fairly aggressive lawn which will rob weeds of the nutrients for the soil that they also need to thrive. If weeds do develop, Sapphire Buffalo turf is immune to damage from several different weed killers that are made for domestic use.

2. It's drought tolerant

For most homeowners, a lawn that is drought resistant is a top priority. Buffalo turf varieties, including Sapphire Buffalo, were designed with this attribute in mind and they will thrive and stay green with very little watering. Sapphire Buffalo turf has a deep root system that lets it obtain moisture from beneath the surface during times of water scarcity.

3. It's an all-season turf

Many turf varieties may suffer adverse effects during seasonal weather extremes. Those that may thrive in summer may suffer during the winter and vice versa. Sapphire Buffalo can thrive in both very hot and very cold climates and won't turn yellow or brown in the shade. It maintains its colour throughout the year, even after exposure to numerous heavy frosts.

4. It creates a beautiful lawn

As well as being a top all-rounder for performance and durability, Sapphire Buffalo also makes a truly beautiful and luxurious lawn. It's a rich, deep green that has a slight blue tinge that makes it shimmer in the sunlight. Sapphire Buffalo also has a fine, slim leaf that makes it feel less like a standard, coarse Buffalo variety and more like a more elegant but less durable variety such as Zoysia or Couch.

403 Words

About Me

Landscaping The Grounds of Your Home While lots of people pay a lot of attention to the interior of their home, they do not pay the same level of attention to the landscaping of the land and gardens which surround their home. I was certainly guilty of this. However, all of this changed when I visited a friend. My friend had spent a lot of time and money landscaping their property. It was very impressive and I decided to have some work carried out on my property. The local landscaping company were fantastic. They helped me to plan the new landscaping project and quickly completed the work.




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